Forums / Setup & design / displaying shipping info in shopping basket

displaying shipping info in shopping basket

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michiel n.

Thursday 02 October 2008 9:36:00 am

In the standard designs of the basket.tpl there is the check for $shipping_info

But when one completes her order, goes back to the shop, puts some products in the basket and hits the foo.ez/shop/basket url again, she will notice that shipping_info is set, but the price isn't yet set, altough the total price including shipping *is* there.

I'm not sure wether i forgot something in my shipping extension or whether there is a flaw in the standard design (or templates).

Poking at the code I realised that MyTemporaryId nor shipping_info is never unset, which i understand, but it seems that that's also the reason for this flaw.

What would be a good approach for this problem? Do you experience the same problem with your shipping extension(s)?

Certified eZ developer looking for projects.
michieln at gmail dot com