Forums / Setup & design / display images without having them as related objects

display images without having them as related objects

Author Message

francis Nart

Thursday 02 March 2006 1:34:48 am


We've got a problem with image insertion using the OE. In an XML field, each inserted image is treated as a related object.. Pb is that when displaying i.e a column with related objects suche as other articles, files...the images inserted in the xml field do appears as well there...That is silly. Do you know a way of avoiding that ?

Sergiy Pushchin

Thursday 02 March 2006 2:22:07 pm

Basicaly this is not possible.. but I can give you some suggestions..
The main purpose of the "normal" related objects is to have possibility to use them in the XML fields, so this is not "silly" from my point of view. To achieve your goal I guess you should use for related content special datatype objectrelationlist type. And then when you want to display a column of related content you should fetch list of these objects from an attribute..


francis Nart

Thursday 02 March 2006 11:14:30 pm

thnaks for that reply Sergiy,

We'll try that one !


Xavier Dutoit

Friday 03 March 2006 5:59:54 am

You can use this extension to "filter" the embedded images on your list of related objects.

Xavier Dutoit

Friday 03 March 2006 6:00:46 am


So basically, yes, that's possible ;)
