Forums / Setup & design / Display caption text in the ALT attribute of an image

Display caption text in the ALT attribute of an image

Author Message

willy jansen

Thursday 23 September 2004 9:45:54 am

By default ezpubli displays the value of the field "name" in the ALT and TITLE attribute of an image.


I'd like to know if I can change this. I want it to display the value of the field "Caption"

I found out the template for this piece of code is

{section show=$href}
 <a href={$href} 
  {section show=$target}target={$target}
 <img src={$image.url|ezroot} 
{section show=$hspace}hspace="{$hspace}"{/section} 
title="{$image.text|wash(xhtml)}" />
{section show=$href}</a>

So the value is the variable $image.text
But where can you define this variable?

Any suggestion that could lead to a solution would be very much appreciated.

Frederik Holljen

Tuesday 28 September 2004 2:21:50 am

The value of the "Alternative image text" is used here.

willy jansen

Tuesday 28 September 2004 2:28:36 am

i found an alternative way using the field "Alternative Image Text" as explained by Tony here:
Thanks for the suggestions

willy jansen

Tuesday 28 September 2004 2:29:26 am

sorry frederik. just missed your hint :)
nice helmet