Forums / Setup & design / Difference between list and tree

Difference between list and tree

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John van der Boom

Friday 08 August 2003 5:07:30 am

I've been working with eZ for 4 months now, but I still can't see the difference between the parameters "list" and "tree" of the fetch operator.

What's the difference and when do I used the one or the other?

Paul Borgermans

Monday 11 August 2003 10:24:57 am

There isn't any difference. Both functions call the same class methods. Up to this point I don't know what the original intention was.


eZ Publish, eZ Find, Solr expert consulting and training

John van der Boom

Monday 11 August 2003 12:49:35 pm

hehe ok :)

Tristan Koen

Wednesday 13 August 2003 11:57:55 pm

In my experience, there is a world of difference (at least on SVN2703).
'list' only returns items from the current folder.
'tree' returns items from the current folder AND all subfolders.

For example:
If you have the following structure:

Folder 1
--Article A
--Article B
--Folder 1A
----Article 1Aa
----Article 1Ab

fetch(content,list,hash(parent_node_id, <Folder 1>.node_id))}
your resultset will include the objects
Article A
Article B
Folder 1A

fetch(content,tree,hash(parent_node_id, <Folder 1>.node_id))}
your resultset will include the objects
Article A
Article B
Folder 1A
Article 1Aa
Article 1Ab

This tree recursion also applies when you in/exclude certain classes from your fetch:

For example if we exclude folders from the fetch:
fetch(content,tree,hash(parent_node_id, <Folder 1>.node_id, class_filter_type,exclude,class_filter_array,array(1))}
will return a resultset of
Article A
Article B
Article 1Aa
Article 1Ab



Bruce Morrison

Thursday 14 August 2003 12:53:55 am

"list" is the same as "tree" with a depth of 1. They even use the same underlying function to retrieve the content. The parameters are just more restricted with list.

It makes sense to have both.


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