Forums / Setup & design / Design - Visual part of it :) - How to ?

Design - Visual part of it :) - How to ?

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Milan Gavrovic

Tuesday 15 January 2008 12:46:59 am

First of all, thank you for the great product. I know almost nothing about web programming so I was very pleased when I successfully installed eZ without any glitch out of first try. I was very pleased to see that it has everything I need for my personal needs (presenting my designs and having people comment on it).

I installed eZ , everything is just fine but I need one (maybe) simple thing to ask :

How do I change the images, backgrounds, borders and such on the pages ? I managed to change the index page by editing background file, header background (top and bottom), I added some flash animation where company logo should... I am thrilled !!! But! When I click Designs button (where products used to be) the background of that button turns back to default blue through my grass green beautiful design :) ...

Can some1, please, in few sentences point me to where those files are stored, what images are THEME related and where they are, can I edit 'em all on my PC and than just overwrite them all on the server ?? Will it ruin anything ?

Thank you in advance,


André R.

Tuesday 15 January 2008 8:28:40 am

Take a look at the 'Customization guide':

eZ Online Editor 5: || eZJSCore (Ajax): || eZ Publish EE

Milan Gavrovic

Wednesday 16 January 2008 4:06:37 am

UH OH ! :)
I'll give my best, thank You for Your prompt reply. Looks easy enough , one question thou. When I replicate the structure as implied in the first link you provided, do I also copy EVERYTHING in it or just create files that are mentioned afterwards like append.php ... ???