Forums / Setup & design / Define alt & title text for image (attribute_view_gui)

Define alt & title text for image (attribute_view_gui)

Author Message

Michael Fürst

Wednesday 14 May 2008 5:55:30 am

Hi there,

I try to define an own title and alt text for an image wile using attribute_view_gui.
This call works perfect, but the title of the image ist automatically used for title & alt:

{attribute_view_gui href=$valid_node.url_alias|ezurl() attribute=$valid_node.data_map.foto_aufmacher.value.data_map.image image_class='mainstory1'}

Now i tried to add different parameters, but it's not working. For example:

{attribute_view_gui href=$valid_node.url_alias|ezurl() attribute=$valid_node.data_map.foto_aufmacher.value.data_map.image title='test', image_title='test' image_class='mainstory1'}

Has anyone an idea, what's the name of the correct parameter and if i can build it this way?

Thanks & bye,

Maxime Thomas

Wednesday 14 May 2008 11:13:38 pm

Hi Mike,

You can directly watch in the template called by the attribute_view_gui.
It's in design/<your design : ezflow / ezwebin / standard>/templactes/content/datatype/ezimage.tpl

Maxime Thomas | |

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