Forums / Setup & design / Customer login handler & cross-site login?

Customer login handler & cross-site login?

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Luis Cruz

Tuesday 15 November 2005 12:41:43 pm

I have been reading up and browsing the source code on custom login handlers. I currently have a large database of users outside of eZ publish and objects that they can manipulate based on their access level. They do this through a domain like

Now, I would like to store documents, etc. in eZ publish and restrict access to them based on the access level stored in the non-ez database. They would access these documents through a domain like

I believe I understand the concepts on how to achieve this, but there is one sticking point I cannot seem to find an answer for. The customer login handlers provided with eZ publish all create a user inside eZ publish.

However, this seems like a bit of a waste to have the data in two places. I would like to be able to log the user into both my systems yet keep the login data in my non-ez database.

I am thinking that I could "fake" the eZ login by creating a generic user in ez for each access level. When the user successfully logs into the domain via the custom login handler, the login handler would log the user in as this generic user rather than creating a new user entry in the ez database.

The only drawback I can think of is that if one user logs out, then all users under that generic user might be logged out. Can the more experienced ez users think of any other drawbacks or provide some alternate solutions?
