Forums / Setup & design / CSS ... from the packages directory?

CSS ... from the packages directory?

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Marco Zinn

Saturday 09 October 2004 12:59:12 pm

when you install a 3.4 site with the corporate style and switch for the "t08" theme, you will find this CSS imports in your pagelayout:
@import url("/design/base/stylesheets/core.css");
@import url("/design/base/stylesheets/site.css");
@import url("/packages/styles/t08/files/default/file/design/base/stylesheets/t8/site-colors.css");
@import url("/design/base/stylesheets/classes.css");
@import url("/packages/styles/t08/files/default/file/design/base/stylesheets/t8/classes-colors.css");
@import url("/design/standard/stylesheets/debug.css");
(Same applies to all other Themes t01-t20)

The "theme-specific file" site-colors.css and classes-colors.css are taken from the directory
IMHO, this does not follow the "directory structure" of ez 3.3, where all design-related stuff should be stored in /design.
Moreover, these two css files for each thema really ARE available in /design/base/stylesheets/t<theme-id>/
This leads to confusing, as we are used to change css files in /design... but they are not used.

Is this a bug? I'd guess, that the CSS files should be taken from /design/base/stylesheets/t<theme-id>/ , while the package directory is only used at setup (as an installation source) and is not used later.

Any explanation about this is usefull.
