Forums / Setup & design / Creating new images while editing an article

Creating new images while editing an article

Author Message

Thomas Nunninger

Tuesday 31 January 2006 8:02:45 am


What I want: Users write articles about some events and upload images in a corresponding gallery. Some of the images in the gallery are also embedded in the article. Now, when a user starts editing the article he wants to add an image to the corresponding gallery in order to embedd it in the article. (Everything happens on the web page and not in the admin interface.)

I need something similar to the "upload new" function at the related objects when editing an article in admin interface. The problem of uploading new related objects is, that I need to edit the image again later if I want to add a name or caption to the image.

So my ideas where:

- extend the "upload new" function including name and caption or

- add a new image to the gallery and then come back to editing the article without interupting the process of editing the article (of course saving the draft of the article and coming back to it automatically would be ok too).

What do you think is the shortest path (except of saying: "Please, first insert the images and then add the article" - By the way: I'm thinking of extending the gallery class to serve my needs corresponding to articles and not the article class itself.)

Any ideas?
