Tuesday 16 March 2004 7:59:33 am
Hi, On installing the corporate template, I noticed an odd bug with the install. Basically, the installation created the /design directory, and in it are the folders you'd expect... images, stylesheets, templates etc. All seemed OK, until I tried changing some of the css and couldnt get anythnig to change... It turns out that, while the install is using /design/stylesheets directory for the core.css file, and /design/templates for the template files.... its using. ..wait for it.... /var/coroporate/storage/packages/corporate_blue/files/default/file/design/corporate/ and within the corporate directory is using the /stylesheet for corporate_blue.css and /imagers for all associated imagery!!! Very strange. Obviously its no showstopper, but I wonder:
a) has anyone seen this before - is it a bug, and b) how do I force it to use the normal paths?! Cheers, Steve.