Forums / Setup & design / Content won't display using $module_result.content

Content won't display using $module_result.content

Author Message

Nathan Kelly

Sunday 26 June 2005 8:03:37 pm

Hi there me again, I seem to be having some trouble getting my content to display, I have created my own template for my site access etc, and I have used the $module_result.content to display the content but nothing appears.

My debug output seems to show a problem with the ezTemplate but I have checked to see if the node/view/full.tpl file is in the correct place and it is in the design/standard/templates/node/view folder, I have also tried copying it to design/<mysiteacces>/templates/node/view but I still get the same warning.

here is the debug info.
Timing: Jun 27 2005 12:49:14

Script start

Timing: Jun 27 2005 12:49:14

Module start 'content'

Warning: eZTemplate Jun 27 2005 12:49:14

No template could be loaded for "node/view/full.tpl" using resource "design"

Timing: Jun 27 2005 12:49:14

Module end 'content'

Timing: Jun 27 2005 12:49:14


Could anyone please tell me what I may have done wrong for this to be happening?

Thanks in advance.

Pardon me while I burst into flames...

Nathan Kelly

Monday 27 June 2005 4:40:19 pm

Has anybody got any ideas please, I have spent many hours trying to figure out what the problem is but I can't find a solution due to lack of knowledge of the system.

If the site can't display content then I may as well give up, surly someone has some idea of what my be causing this EzTemplate WARNING?

Any ideas welcome.

Pardon me while I burst into flames...


Monday 27 June 2005 5:25:02 pm


can be only used within templates with names like...


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Nathan Kelly

Monday 27 June 2005 5:48:59 pm

Yes, thats right, but for some reason this is not working, my template looks like the following:-

		<div id="content">			
			<div id="layout-a">

				{include uri="design:page_mainarea.tpl"}

			<div id="layout-b">
			<hr />

and inside page_mainarea.tpl i have:-

{include uri="design:page_warning.tpl"}


basicaly I have just copied the (PLAIN) pagelayout template from the install, this worked fine before I created my own template so I'm trying to find out what I have done wrong.

i.e. if my template is the same, then what might I have done to cause the ezTemplate warning? Could it be a bad ini setting and if so where should I look to correct this?

If I had to guess I'd think the path to node/view/full.tpl was somehow broken but I am unsure as to where it was broken, as I said in a previouse post I have checked that the full.tpl template is in the correct directory but it still cant find it.

Its very confusing?

Pardon me while I burst into flames...