Tuesday 30 September 2003 8:12:38 am
This boils down to best practice for coding web pages. Each different view can be right and wrong depending on your circumstances. From my own point of view working with many projects i heavily re-use my own templates. Coming back to something a few days/weeks/months old can be made very easy by commenting code properly. Since the end user can *never* see {* *} comments I can write comments as i like. I also work with my servers in a local environment, testing the code in several ways, on-screen feedback, using 'tail -f' var/log/*.log, etc. Only if there is a problem would i need to turn on debugging on a live site. It may one day be possible to use a proper documentor ala doxygen,javadoc to parse the ez template code in some useful way... Not sure how useful but i like programs that create documentation for me in a structured manner. These points work well in a multi-project environment. Almost essential. But for a small number it probably isn't necessary. I consider myself a software engineer given my background and i've come to rely on certain best practices when it comes to code. Paul