Forums / Setup & design / Clone site - login access not allowed

Clone site - login access not allowed

Author Message

Samuel Torton

Tuesday 13 July 2010 11:06:58 am


I wanted to clone a site to another machine, but I have trouble to login the new cloned site.

First, I dumped my working website:

. dump MySQL database;

. tar the whole ezpublish structure

Second I restore the website to another machine:

. insert MySQL table to my new database;

. restored the tar to the new root folder;

. and of course modified the right site.ini files to access the new database, new URL

And now when I type the URL http://mynewclone website, I'm not authorized to access the website (neither with anonymous, nor while being authenticated with admin account), on any siteaccess (frontoffice, backoffice)

Any idea?

Thank you.

Samuel Torton

Ivo Lukac

Thursday 15 July 2010 12:26:26 am

No idea but you can enable Debug with SQL output to see what is happening...

Samuel Torton

Thursday 15 July 2010 3:43:55 am

Yes, I have enabled Debug, and I've noticed some strange error messages... and then I realised I had forgotten some important required parameters in the Apache & PHP config for this new website.

Now the problem is solved, everything works perfectly and I confirm the procedure I used in my previous message (DB dump + files tar + change site.ini parameters) is the right one.


Samuel Torton

Gaetano Giunta

Thursday 15 July 2010 5:30:17 am

I think it would be a very nice feature to have a cli script in eZ that did all the checks that are normally done at install time via the setup wizard.

Helpful when moving the site over from dev to prod, or when switching servers.

I added an issue on wit a little while ago about that - maybe the exact wording mentioned having the checks done from within the admin interface, but of course via script is even better - esp. if you cannot login...

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