Forums / Setup & design / Click Node link.....display article with $module_results.content

Click Node link.....display article with $module_results.content

Author Message

Douglas Johnson

Thursday 24 July 2003 3:29:59 pm

How can I display the article within a node? Example...the user clicks on the link to node(folder) 23, this displays the article within that node(folder) using the $module_results.content statement. I had this working, but now somehow since I started over, it no longer works. Again.....the user clicks on the link to node(folder) 23, this displays the article within that node(folder) using the $module_results.content statement. Any ideas?
Thanks...Doug Johnson

Bjørn Kaarstein

Thursday 24 July 2003 11:21:24 pm

If you're using ezP 3.0, you'll have to write an override for full_class_1.tpl. This is the override that will decide how to display the content of the folder class.

Pretty much the same in ezP 3.1, but there you can name you override whatever you want, but you have to add some lines to your override.ini.

Something like:


Also it's pretty useful to turn on debugging in your site.ini.append.php.


This will show you which template(s) are used on your respective node, and is a way to make sure that you are working with the correct file.

Regards Bjørn.