Forums / Setup & design / Choosing first by vhost and then by uri

Choosing first by vhost and then by uri

Author Message

Toni Ascó

Thursday 22 April 2004 3:16:26 am

hi, as posted in a earlier thread, i'm having a problem for accessing the right site access
What i want to do exactly is:

having a vhost as
HostMatchMapItems[];site1_en (default going to english)

then i want that if i write it goes to spanish.

Seems easy (just putting MatchOrder=uri should work) but the problem is that i don't have only one vhost, but 8

And it has to work for the 8 sites... should be something like... chose first by the vhost, and for this vhost then look the uri to know which siteaccess you have to look at...

Any idea?

Thanx in advance,
