Forums / Setup & design / Changing an Attribute Datatype

Changing an Attribute Datatype

Author Message

Deane Barker

Sunday 09 January 2005 5:46:26 am

Is it possible to change the datatype of an attribute after the class has been created? Or do you have to delete the attribute and recreate it?


Roy Bøhmer

Monday 10 January 2005 2:40:09 pm

I'm not 100% sure if it can't be done, but I've never heard of that possibility. I assume its impossible.
Maybe someone else knows for sure...


Mark Marsiglio

Wednesday 07 December 2005 8:42:35 pm

A new datatype would have to be created. They cannot be changed once they have been added.

There are some ways using import/export to move data from an old datatype to a new one, but because the structure of each datatype is unique, they cannot be changed from one to another.
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