Monday 19 July 2004 10:05:55 am
Hiya, As far as I can tell, the two blocks of code below should do exactly the same thing. But they don't. For context - the /user/login page doesn't seem to have a section of its own automatically applied, nor can I see anywhere to assign it to a section. That means $iamhere is blank on the login page. Well, using the first block of code, it does pull login_page_rightnav.tpl as it should. Using the second block of code, though, it pulls main_rightnav.tpl instead, which makes no sense to me. It works fine on all other pages (since they have sections assigned). Any ideas?
{let iamhere=$DesignKeys:used.section}
{switch name=whereami match=$iamhere}
{case match=10}{include uri="design:main_rightnav.tpl"}{/case}
{case match=8}{include uri="design:main_rightnav.tpl"}{/case}
{case match=4}{include uri="design:main_rightnav.tpl"}{/case}
{case match=16}{include uri="design:main_rightnav.tpl"}{/case}
{case match=7}{include uri="design:main_rightnav.tpl"}{/case}
{case match=27}{include uri="design:main_rightnav.tpl"}{/case}
{case match=25}{include uri="design:main_rightnav.tpl"}{/case}
{case match=2}{include uri="design:main_rightnav.tpl"}{/case}
{case match=19}{include uri="design:company_rightnav.tpl"}{/case}
{case match=26}{include uri="design:company_rightnav.tpl"}{/case}
{case match=23}{include uri="design:company_rightnav.tpl"}{/case}
{case match=24}{include uri="design:company_rightnav.tpl"}{/case}
{case}{include uri="design:login_page_rightnav.tpl"}{/case}
{/switch} {/let}
{let iamhere=$DesignKeys:used.section}
{switch name=whereami match=$iamhere}
{case in=array(10,8,4,16,7,27,25,2) } {include uri="design:main_rightnav.tpl"} {/case}
{case in=array(19,26,23,24) } {include uri="design:company_rightnav.tpl"} {/case}
{case} {include uri="design:login_page_rightnav.tpl"} {/case}
{/switch} {/let}