Forums / Setup & design / Cannot combine Flash in pagelayout.tpl and as a related object in an article in eZ 3.1
Adri Rots
Friday 04 July 2003 4:41:43 am
I'm using Flash as a menu inserted in my pagelayout.tpl and I use flash movies in articles inserted as related objects in text XML fields.
To display the flash menu in the pagelayout.tpl I need to ad the swf extension to the rewriterules. Doing that, flahfiles in articles, inserted as a related object, won't display anymore. The browser (explorer) stucks halfway.
Does anyone have the combination working? Is there a way around this?
Saturday 05 July 2003 3:28:32 am
I found two ways to go around this problem. Both have there disadvantage.
1. Put de flashmenu in a frame. Problem of course is scrolling etc.
2. Insert a fullview of a flashfile stored as content in the pagelayout.tpl like this: {let children=fetch(content,node,hash(node_id,158))} {node_view_gui view=full content_node=$children}{/let}Problem is that using this solution there is a small white space below the flashfile. Don't know how to solve that yet.
Suggestions are very welcome.