Forums / Setup & design / Can't make dynamic content be dynamic

Can't make dynamic content be dynamic

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Luis Delgado

Friday 11 March 2011 9:07:57 am

Hi. I'm new @EzPublish CMS. It is a very stable and robust App.

Installed 4.4 with ezFlow 2.2 extension with Demo Content. I did this beacuse if it was the only way I could find to make a Frontpage be in the top level.

Because I need it to be working as a News site I'm having trouble making it a Dynamic Frontpage... there is no way I can make it work as its supposed to.

Configured Cronjobs, Configured Blocks (took Dynamic3Items example and edited noew blocks from here) configured Overrides in the blocks (to send content to other block)... But NO LUCK, content just wont flow alone, Manual Updates is disabled, cleared caches... I have done everything...

My last hope was finding if cronjobs were having problems and I found one . I'm not sure if solving this may place my site in the Automatic Dyanmic and free of hands Frontpage place I need it to be but I would really appreciate some help. The below e-mail will be the same if I select LatestContent or LatestObjects (BTW what is the difference between them??):

#################################### DEBUG ####################################

Timing: ()

Script extension/ezflow/cronjobs/ezflowupdate.php starting

 Warning: (eZFlowOperations::updateBlockPoolByBlockID('5e568e0878519da510e55001c1634a6d'))

Found existing block which has no necessary parameters serialized in the db (block needs updating)

 Warning: (PHP: E_WARNING)

Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /XXXXXXX/extension/ezflow/classes/fetches/ezflowlatestcontent.php on line 68

 Timing: ()

Script extension/ezflow/cronjobs/ezflowupdate.php done

I really need your help to make an automated frontpage so if anybody knows a better way I would apppreciate it.



Benjamin Lorteau

Monday 14 March 2011 7:45:24 am

Hello Luis,

I'm not familiar with recent versions of eZ Flow. I tested it when in version 1.0 and it were already difficult to achieve anything with.

Still, I can help you on another subject :


Installed 4.4 with ezFlow 2.2 extension with Demo Content. I did this beacuse if it was the only way I could find to make a Frontpage be in the top level.


To make the top level node another content object, you have to add a content object under it, and then swith node assignement with the top level node. This can be done from the contextual menu (left-clik on an icon in left menu or children list) under "Advanced" -> "Switch with another node"

Node number of the top level doesn't change, but you will have your new content instead. Hope it helps you in the future, this feature is very useful but very little known. Essentially you use it to switch a content object class without losing childrens.

eZ Publish personal project : [fr]

Luis Delgado

Wednesday 16 March 2011 8:15:52 pm


That is a great solution you gave for solving (another problem of) my Top Node Folder issue I had :)

About the dynamic content issue, it did worked... the debug error is still there but the dynamic blocks did worked as soon as new content was added to the site.

Thanks for the top node solution.
