Forums / Setup & design / Can't display the flash in IE.

Can't display the flash in IE.

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Jun Zheng

Wednesday 19 November 2008 11:02:16 pm

I embed a flash in the frontpage, but it wasn't work in IE. I modified the flash.tpl using swfobject.js and many ways, unfortunately, it was still not work in IE, but in the firefox there were worked. What's wrong??

Bill Du

Thursday 20 November 2008 1:32:19 am

I have same question, please help

Pascal Specht

Friday 21 November 2008 4:42:53 am


there's an issue starting with release 10.0.2 of the Adobe Flash plugin: maybe you're victim of this issue:


Original Adobe response:

Content-Disposition header may prevent SWF files from playing

Some HTTP servers sometimes send a response header that looks like this:

Content-Disposition: attachment

The purpose of this response header is to indicate to client software (browsers, Flash Player, e-mail clients, etc.) that the file being returned should not be rendered inline as active content. For example, imagine you're reading e-mail messages on a web-based service and you click a link that represents a file attached to a message. The server may well respond with "Content-Disposition: attachment"—meaning, "Hey, browser, don't open this file. Save it to disk instead." This header can sometimes serve a security purpose: If a server provides files that were uploaded by untrusted users, the "Content-Disposition: attachment" header can help prevent those files from being executed in the server's domain.

Starting with version 10,0,2, if Flash Player sees a "Content-Disposition: attachment" header while downloading a SWF file, it will ignore the SWF file rather than play it. Note that this restriction applies only to SWF files and not to other types of content, such as images, sounds, text, or XML files, policy files, etc.

Jun Zheng

Sunday 23 November 2008 11:08:47 pm

Thank you for you help . I modified the code like this:

<param name="movie" value="{ezsys('wwwdir')}/{$attribute.content.filepath}"/>

so far, I know i lose the embed-view policy, I don't know whether if it would take me some other problem.

Richard Lundberg

Wednesday 26 November 2008 6:50:10 am

Check if it works in Firefox 3.

If it does not then it could be this issue.

I had the same problem and thought it was IE7, but it happened with Firefox 3 as well and solution detailed in the above post fixed it.