Tuesday 12 April 2005 7:07:11 am
Hello, I updated ezpublish and know I can't login, neither in the admin nor in the user frontend. My configuration was in override files, and I tried a backup of "settings" too, but it doesn't work. Login as admin without LDAP is possible.
Here is what I did specifically:
- backup DB
- backup file-structure
- copy files from 3.5.1 over existing installation
- update database
-- 3.4.3-to-3.4.4.sql
-- 3.4.4-to-3.5.0.sql
-- 3.5.0-to-3.5.1.sql
- generateoverridesettings.php
- updateattributefilter.php
- updatexmltext.php - clearcache.sh Has anyone some hints or ideas how to reestablish LDAP? BTW, I did the update with a test-installation, the real installation (3.4.3) still works with LDAP. Any clues?
Kind regards, André
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