Forums / Setup & design / can ez3 used as business directory ?

can ez3 used as business directory ?

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Selmah Maxim

Friday 02 May 2003 8:47:11 am

Hi ..

i wounder if i can do this with ez3 ?
check up, i would like to something like that, but with more information ?

so ?

thx alot !

Marco Zinn

Friday 02 May 2003 1:22:17 pm


I was thinking about something like this, too. Some kind of (regional) web directory.

Should be no problem with ez3.
For testing, I set up a class, which has all necessary information in it's attributes (adress, website, products...).
The catalogue structure can be made with folder nodes.
Searching works fine, as it can search all attributes OR can be narrowed down to a specific attribute.

Would be a bit more than a link-catalogue.


Selmah Maxim

Friday 02 May 2003 2:20:22 pm

i see ... can i list the categories , subcats. , and sub sub cats. in the main page ?

i have tried this to do something like link class, but i got problem that is listed in the menu side also !

Selmah Maxim

Friday 02 May 2003 2:31:50 pm

another thing ...

the registered user can sumbmit the date, then the admin will confirm to publish it else to delete it, after that publishing the owner user can modify it, and if he modify it will need again the admin confirm to publish it, is that possible ?

btw ... am newbie with ez3 :)

thx for info !

Marco Zinn

Friday 02 May 2003 2:50:41 pm

I don't quite understand your question about the list in the main page. You mean, that you want some kind of sitemap, that shows all categories of the first 2 or 3 levels?
Should be possible with some good templating. I saw (somewhere in the "how-tos") a template for creating a tree-menu. What you need, is something similar.

For the workflow:
I'm not sure, if this can be done with the standard workflows, as I did not try them enough. But there is a pre-defined "editor"-role. Maybe that would be, what you need.... you need an approval for each version of the object, right?


Selmah Maxim

Friday 02 May 2003 3:34:45 pm

what i mean about categories list is to list the categoreis as dose, and there are kind of relation between the categories.

yes, each time the user modify his date i must confirm it befor publish it, as i understanded from u that Workflows can do that, can u please give more information about this ?

now what am trying to do (as test) that user can submit link, and i had done the role for that, but the problem now that how can i get to the submition page :s !

Selmah Maxim

Friday 02 May 2003 3:37:04 pm

i found this in the ez3 manual , but how !

Workflows are a powerful feature of eZ publish which enables you to extend the functionality of the system. You can extend the publishing function in eZ publish to create an approval path with one or more editors, or you can extend the shopping checkout function to handle custom shipping, wrapping, gift certificates or something similar.


Marco Zinn

Saturday 03 May 2003 2:43:18 am

For the "frontpage" (directory listing), here is the link, that I meant:
Beware: This is "higher ez3 templating". I can just give you that, because I'm not yet into ez3 templating.

For the workflow/submission:
I hope, some other will comment on the workflows, because I cant help you complety.

About the submission page:
Check the forum in the demo as a starting point. Here, the anonymous role can create a forum article inside a "forum". This is defined in "roles".
What you would need (additionally) is a workflow, that will send the new object for approval to someone. This should be done with an approval Workflow for "content -> before publish"

Let me know, if this helps, as I would like to see, if this works for me, too.
BTW: Is your testing site public?


Selmah Maxim

Saturday 03 May 2003 5:34:03 am

thx alot ...

now am testing, and i`ll post the result soon !

nop, testing on localhost now ...