Forums / Setup & design / Cache not cleared on start page when publish

Cache not cleared on start page when publish

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Ekkehard Dörre

Tuesday 13 December 2005 1:22:12 am


There is a start page, which collects information from subfolders. It is called News and collects information with a modified folder.tpl: folder_start_news_de.tpl and fetch tree. So viewmode is "full" of {$module_result.content} and cached.

If I publish a new news, this node isn't cleared. If I publish via wait until date, same procedure. Other lists are cleared, but they are direct in pagelayout.tpl and not accessed via content/view/full

On possibility is to reduce caching time, which is bad for a start page

{set-block scope=root variable=cache_ttl}0{/set-block}

or this?

<b>Subtree Expiry</b>

Something inbetween the default policy of always expiring the cache blocks when content is published, and the functionality of "ignore_content_expiry" is the Subtree Expiry parameter. With this parameter you can control the expiration of a cache block when content in a specific subtree (like /products) is published. A real-life example might be where there is a block inside the pagelayout template which contains a list of the five last added products; in the following example the cache-block will be expired when there is something published in the /products/bargain subtre, or after 30 minutes:

{cache-block expiry=1800 subtree_expiry=/producs/bargain}

... tpl code


Which is the best way? There is a lot of traffic on this page.

Thanks, ekke - Over 40 years of certified eZ Publish know-how:
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Paul Forsyth

Tuesday 13 December 2005 1:36:19 am

If you disable the cache for the start page perhaps consider adding cache-blocks in those places that dont need to change? That way you can retain the dynamic fetch but cache everything else?


Xavier Dutoit

Tuesday 13 December 2005 1:40:32 am

Doesn't work with the smart cache ?

if you enable the smart cache and says that everytime a new article (or whatever is published on the home page), you clear the cache of the home page, doesn't it work ?

Just remember that you have to put objects id, not node ids.


Ekkehard Dörre

Tuesday 13 December 2005 2:41:34 am

@Paul dynamic fetch is too heavy, but cache for 10 min is a possibility but not very elegant.



#If 'Forum folder' has object_id=56 for example then the rule above can be more hard by adding next lines:

looks like a solution, but there is an unique fetch in viewmode full in folder and nothing related. Does this work, too?

Thanks, ekke - Over 40 years of certified eZ Publish know-how:
CJW Newsletter: -

Paul Forsyth

Tuesday 13 December 2005 3:07:33 am

Maybe we need a template operator to clear the cache of a node. The eZ api has this. So, in the pagelayout something like:

{if $some_condition}

may work if something can be tested.

Having a delay of 10 minutes isnt too bad. It means for most hits the cache will be in place and is fast. Fine tuning the time would be key.

btw, i added a relevant enhancment some time ago:
