Tuesday 10 March 2009 8:39:13 am
Afternoon: I have a script that pulls down an XML feed, formats it, and saves it as a .tpl file. I include that .tpl in another .tpl file. I want that file to be refreshed every two hours. However, its being cached along with everything else. I need help debugging. Think of the structure like this: script.php -writes-> a.tpl
pagelayout.tpl -includes-> main_area.tpl -calls-> b.tpl -includes-> a.tpl
To include a.tpl, I'm using
{cache-block scope=global expiry=7200}
{include uri="design:parts/a.tpl"}
However, this is not working, the file does not get refreshed. What is wrong with this cache block definition? Where else should I be looking for the caching?