Forums / Setup & design / Beeing able to edit other user's draft

Beeing able to edit other user's draft

Author Message

Samuel Torton

Monday 11 October 2010 1:04:22 am


I would like to find a solution to allow a user to edit another user's draft.

If you have any solution, or recommendation, or guidelines, I would be very interested.

My final need is the following: A "three-step" editing and validation process:

. first group of people: able to create new content & modify existing content. These people are not allowed to save and publish, they can save drafts only;

. second group of people: able to edit & modify first group's drafts, and send for publishing in the workfloww process;

. third group of people: validators.

Thank you very much for your answers.


Samuel Torton

Samuel Torton

Monday 11 October 2010 1:15:23 am

In complement to my first question, I would have another question:

Is it possible to create a new function in eZpublish framework ?

For instance:

. Module "content" --> Function "edit draft"

This kind of function, as soon as affected to a group as a rule, would allow group members to edit other members drafts.

Thank you.

Samuel Torton


Monday 11 October 2010 1:17:30 am

Hello Samuel,

I think you are looking for eZ Approve2

Which allows moderation of content object publishing. Including editing users drafts.



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Samuel Torton

Monday 11 October 2010 3:43:15 am

Hello Heath,

Thank you for your reply. I was already aware about eZ Approve 2.

But I'm not really sure it matches my needs, but I try to install and use it.

I'm using eZPublish 4.3.0.

I followed the EzApprove2 INSTALL.TXT instructions, and when I try to add a new event in the Workflow (INSTALL.TXT: 5. Select "Event/Approve2" and click "Add event"), here is the problem below:

Fatal error: eZ Publish did not finish its request

The execution of eZ Publish was abruptly ended. Contact website owner with current url and what you did, and owner will be able to debug the issue further.



Samuel Torton


Monday 11 October 2010 4:03:05 am

Sounds like you need to enable php setting display_errors to see the actual error.



Brookins Consulting |
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Lars Eirik R

Thursday 21 October 2010 12:35:46 am

Hi there.

I try to post here as well as i am not sure that everyone follows the ezaproove2 project. I have sucessfully installed the extension and collaboration seems to work nicely and as expected.

However my main objective is to be able to have users edit other users drafts. You state above that this is possible, but having looked at the ini files and such i am unable to figure out how to get this to work.

1) If user a edits an article and stores this as a draft ,will user b(with permissions) be able to view and continue this draft?

2) Where will user b be able to se incoming drafts visually?

Thanks for helping out in advance..


Thursday 21 October 2010 1:04:01 am

Hello Lars,

1) No. Sorry but ezapprove2 does not work as you describe.

2) Users can view their own drafts (not the drafts of approvers) on the /content/draft view.



Brookins Consulting |
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eZpedia community documentation project |

Samuel Torton

Thursday 21 October 2010 9:10:03 am

Hello Lars,

Ezpublish doesn't allow users to edit other users drafts, by design.

Look at the following forum topic:

Me and Heath have had a iscussion concerning this need, a few days ago. I had begun coding some new functionnalities, to allow users editing other users drafts... but you will face some other issues: you will have to re-code some more templates if you want your needs to be filled up the end.


Samuel Torton