Forums / Setup & design / basic forum enhancement.. but i'm a dweeb

basic forum enhancement.. but i'm a dweeb

Author Message

Vidyut Luther

Tuesday 07 November 2006 11:29:18 pm

I'm trying to figure out how to mimic the functionality of this forum itself.. basically.. message quoting.

If i'm viewing a topic, and I want to reply to it, I want to see the messages in the post before I post, (all of them).. and I would like to also have the subject field pre populated.

This is what I have so far.. in the forum_reply.tpl AFTER the </form>


{let OriginalMessages=fetch(content,node,hash(node_id,$main_node_id))}
        <h1><font color="#004362"> Original post </font> </h1>
{node_view_gui view=full content_node=$OriginalMessages}


I think this is actually trivial to do, but I'm having trouble figuring this out along with everything else I'm doing.. it's 1:30am and I'd like to sleep :).