Forums / Setup & design / Auto convert Chinese characters to unicode?

Auto convert Chinese characters to unicode?

Author Message

YenHung Chen

Saturday 19 April 2003 8:15:18 am

I have tried to input Chinese characters in admin, demo, and user section, it will auto convert Chinese characters to unicode in both Netscape and IE5.0.
But, when I copy the environment of user section to a new section - amusement, the auto conversion function is work in Netscape; it is not work in IE5.0.

Am I missing any configuration?
Need your help, thanks!

Peter Bailey

Monday 21 April 2003 8:15:09 am

Sorry, I don't have any experience with Chinese characters, but this sounds like a browser issue. Have you tried IE5.5 or IE6?

Jan Borsodi

Friday 25 April 2003 12:12:39 am

Could you explain in more detail what happens? Do you get wrong characters or english text?
Also could try to set the browser encoding to Unicode (not auto) and see if that works?



YenHung Chen

Thursday 01 May 2003 1:12:32 pm

I have giveup my original way, to build an amusement section. Therefore, I can not duplicate my origional problem.

But I can try to describe the problem:

In settings/override/site.ini.append.php

In In settings/override/i18n.ini.append.php

Since the input characters can be transformed to unicode, I don't change default character en-GB. All Chinese characters are transformed like this (#26032;), I also check it in mysql database, it is the same style.

When I try to build an amusement section and try to input Chinese characters, the input character format is not same as (#26032;), so the browser can not display the Chinese characters.

Later, if the problem is happened, again, when I try to construct a new section, I will describe it in more detail.