Thursday 02 September 2004 10:53:21 am
Hello! I'm Antonio and I'm new with eZpublish. I've been working with it for the past month, and I think it's awesome! I'm astounded by all you can do with it. So far, I've managed to do everything I needed on my own, but now I've come across an issue which I didn't see addressed anywhere and couldn't figure out, so I thought I'd ask here. On certain articles or weblog posts, I do not wish to see comments right below the article/weblog post, but would rather have them on a separate page, which would be made accessible from the article/weblog post through a link and which ideally should display all the comments, and also a form the user could use to enter a comment. I was wondering, is that possible with eZpublish? I'm completely lost with this, so any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance! Antonio Cortese