Wednesday 31 October 2007 3:34:35 am
My current project demands the following functionality: The site is running on two siteaccesses, norwegian and english where "ShowUntranslatedObjects=disabled" and the object availability for all objects on the site is turned off. I need an article class with a selector for languages (e.g. dropdown etc.). I suppose i will use object relations as the data-type for this. So for an article of the suggested class to exist in both siteaccesses it will have to be translated manually. I want to be able to create an article in Norwegian, but the content of the article must be able to maintain the charsets of the chosen language. Khazakstan/Russian and Vietnamese are the most important. Any clues to how I can achive this? Both the public and admin siteaccess must of course be able to display the charsets.
ez-version: 3.9.3.
PHP: 4.4.2-1
MYSQL: 4.0.24