Forums / Setup & design / Archives


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Ole Brudvik

Monday 22 August 2005 8:38:59 pm

Hi there, we are setting up an archives section on our site. We have 5 sections which we want one archive page for with heading for each section and listing the articles under for each section.

Our test site can be reached here:

Can anybody give us some advice or sample code for doing this?

Thanks alot!


Marko Žmak

Monday 22 August 2005 11:25:21 pm

This doesn't seem difficult to implement... But depends on what exactly you want to obtain. Here's one sollution for your site:

- create a folder Archive and it's subfolders:


- then when you want to archive a message, just move it to the appropriate archive folder, e.g. from /ideas/ to /archive/ideas

This is only one sollution, but it's easy to implement, it doesn't require much new template code (maybe only adding some links to the archives).

Does this sollution suit you, and do you need more help?

Nothing is impossible. Not if you can imagine it!

Hubert Farnsworth

Ole Brudvik

Wednesday 24 August 2005 3:01:18 am

Thanks for your reply. We want one acrive page wit all the sections one the website. Each of the sections willl have one title and under the artyicles listed for that section. This for each of the 5 sections.

Appreciate if you can help me :)


Marko Žmak

Wednesday 24 August 2005 5:07:43 pm

The post I posted above resolves your problems. You just have to create a template override for the Archive page that will display all it's subfolders as titles, and list content of their subnodes.
My suggestion is to create a custom class "Archive Folder" and make template override fo it so you can use it in different places in the future.

I could write you the complete code if I had the time... but unfortunately I don't right now :(

You could wait if I get some free time in the next days, or learn how to do it by reading the documentation.

Nothing is impossible. Not if you can imagine it!

Hubert Farnsworth

Ole Brudvik

Wednesday 24 August 2005 6:09:24 pm

Mark thanks alot for you help so far. i understand you guidelines. since im new to ez, if you can continue to help me i would very much appreciate it.
