Forums / Setup & design / Additional atributes

Additional atributes

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Arek Czereszewski

Wednesday 23 May 2007 4:00:31 am


I an new in EZ world and I have some problem with articles.
If I add text it is OK, but users give me materials in M$ Word, Excel, etc.
and there are tables witch bgcolors, merge cells, some horizontal lines in txt.

How to add articles like this??

Thank you for any link, advice.


"UNIX is like a wigwam:
no windows, no gates, apache inside."

Stéphane Bullier

Wednesday 23 May 2007 7:59:07 am


You can try to use the open office extension which is included in the 3.9.


Arek Czereszewski

Wednesday 23 May 2007 9:27:49 am

Hi Stéphane,

This is some way, but still not help me.
My boss want custom tables with many different colours in cells,
different alignment, font size, etc.

At this moment we migrate from other cms and we (IT team) copy/paste html.

In next stage basic users (non IT) will write new articles. They don't known
html, css etc. But they want this custom tables, horizontal lines, color txt.

Is there any way to allow them that edition?
Maybe another editor??

I check content.ini and I started adding for some tags additional attributes like
bgcolor, alignment, etc.

But I still have lots of problems with tables.
in source I have

<td bgcolor="#C0C0C0" align="right">

But when I check this article I don't see background in table cell's.


"UNIX is like a wigwam:
no windows, no gates, apache inside."

Bartek Modzelewski

Wednesday 23 May 2007 1:43:17 pm

Hi Arek

You can try to replace Online Editor by this contribution:

It alows to insert much more html tags and styles, but you should remember that it can break your pagelayout in some cases.

You may also need to change some of css styles on your site to have FCK editor as real WYSIWYG editor.

Good luck


paul bolger

Wednesday 23 May 2007 4:23:19 pm

Hi Arek
You should be able to cut and paste basic tables into the OE, and making special styles for them is relatively simple. Take a look at this thread for some discussion on custom tags.

One of the advantages of using eZpublish and the OE is that your users can't introduce their own styling. If you change to a WYSIWYG editor like Fckedit you risk your site ending up looking as messy as a DW site.

Paul Bolger

Paul Bolger

Arek Czereszewski

Wednesday 23 May 2007 11:06:00 pm

Hi Paul,

Thank you for advice.

Basic tables is no problem, but at this moment we have for example:

And we have many others tables on our sites.

I try use FCK editor like Bartek says.

In my opinion one standard for every sites, tables, etc. is better
but my boss want colourful tables, articles.


"UNIX is like a wigwam:
no windows, no gates, apache inside."

Arek Czereszewski

Thursday 24 May 2007 4:03:35 am

Hi again,

I tested FCK editor but it is not work correct.
I can create table with colour background but when I check
article I have:

<td valign="top">  S/1.2a/12/2006


Any idea what can I do??


"UNIX is like a wigwam:
no windows, no gates, apache inside."