Forums / Setup & design / Adding Node ID to Friendly URL for Google News Compliance

Adding Node ID to Friendly URL for Google News Compliance

Author Message

Luis Delgado

Tuesday 05 April 2011 10:39:15 pm

Hi, I'm trying to make my site be indexed in the news section of the Google News Feed.

to make this possible I have two choices:

1. Make a special XML News Site Map complying with their statements.

2. Mi URL's must have at least a 3 digit unique Identifier.

Because the first one I couldn't simply make it work (with the googlesitemapgenerator Extension, just never made it work) I am Trying to make the URL's show their object ID at the end but I can't seem to find how. Checked filters but it seems it will just replace X text for new one...

Im lost and the site is loosing Google indexation, its a news site.



Marko Žmak

Wednesday 06 April 2011 4:57:03 am

Hi Luis, here's an idea how you could solve your problem... The sitemap generation functionality could be also achieved using eZP templates without the extension. Something like this:

  • create a special layout called for example sitemap_xml, make it use sitemap_xml.tpl template, and set the appropriate content type
  • in sitemap_xml.tpl generate the apropriate xml headers for the sitemap, and also include {$module_result.content} where it should be
  • in the template for the full view of your front page do this logic: if the current layout is "sitemap_xml" then generate the xml for the sitemap, else display the normal code for the front page

Then your sitemap xml should be available on the link like this:


Nothing is impossible. Not if you can imagine it!

Hubert Farnsworth

Gaetano Giunta

Wednesday 06 April 2011 6:04:11 am

@Marko: I think Luis already did that before (he used the ggxmlview extensions), but he was looking for something working out-of-the-box

Principal Consultant International Business
Member of the Community Project Board

Luis Delgado

Wednesday 06 April 2011 11:53:43 am


@Marko: I think Luis already did that before (he used the ggxmlview extensions), but he was looking for something working out-of-the-box



@Marko: I appreciate your help Marko, as Gaetano says I have implemented his extension which is a great step. The problem is Google wont recognize it... I have checked what the problem may be and found that special characters truncate the code, including quotes, accents, etc.

So I'm stuck... Google news feeds need this map or the 3 digit code in the URL, so I was thinking about this second option...

And it's not that I want an "out-of-the-box" solution it's just that right now Im (still) not an expert on EZ Publish and its difficult for me to find enough information to solve my problems.

I really appreciate your help for both of you.
