Forums / Setup & design / Accordion style menu

Accordion style menu

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radek kukuczka

Monday 10 November 2008 3:17:44 am

Dear all,
I'm new user to these forums and I'm new user to ez publish. I have some experience with joomla, but well... It doesn't seem to help.

My problem is - I would like to create an accordion style menu, in one of the articles on our intranet. I have already found an open source solution for this available here:
This uses css, js, and html codes. The problem is, that when I use literal tag, it's not parsed as requested. I also don't know how to implement custom css, and js files..

Any help is appreciated.
Kind regards,

John Moritz

Monday 10 November 2008 9:08:11 am

At the first Moment i didnt understand whats your problem, but now i think i can help you...

The quick answer:
Because you are new tu ezPublish it would be the easiest way to download the jquery extension here -->

Then go to the jquery Website and get the latest Version which is 1.2.6.
replace the jquery.js with the Version you downloaded (in /design/standard/javascript)

Place your custom javascript to the same folder (only for testing, i recommend a custom extension for those things)

Go to settings folder of the jquery extension and open the file design.ini.append.php and include your custom.js script like:

clean the cache... your done and jquery with your custom javascript should run on ezpublish.