Forums / Setup & design / About {$module_result.content}

About {$module_result.content}

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Franck T.

Tuesday 17 August 2004 3:22:49 am

In my site, all content is displayed through {$module_result.content} like a unique block. What I'd like is a site with a various content (articles, photos, news) from different locations . For example something like thi:s
How to make this?
I don't know how to "play" with my pagelayout.tpl to achieve this. Thanks for your help.

Mark Marsiglio

Tuesday 17 August 2004 5:37:54 am

You would be more likely to play with full.tpl to do this - as this is the template that is used by the $module_result.content for display of a full node (i.e. not a list of nodes).

If you are wanting to do this on the home page, create a new file called full_home.tpl in the setup/templates section of the admin by copying the original full.tpl, then assign it to override for node 2 (home page in most installs).

Then add to that some fetches for news items, articles, photos as needed in that template. You could construct a fetch that collects the three most recent items that are class=news, etc.

Hope that helps,
Turning Ideas Into Strategic Solutions

Franck T.

Tuesday 17 August 2004 6:12:18 am

Thanks Mark.
I'm not sure to be Ok with all this but why not try ?
I've found this article ( but not clear for me.
Some examples would be helpfull if possible.