Forums / Setup & design / 404 error trying to add image to an article

404 error trying to add image to an article

Author Message

Lydie Soler

Tuesday 09 August 2005 7:15:15 am


I have installed 2 weeks ago the 3.6.1 ezpublish version. Now that I set up the layout I tried to create full article. Thus I wanted to add an image to an article using the add object in this article. I get the 404 error (I don't get the tree menu to choose where is the image)

The requested URL /metarisk2/content/browse was not found on this server.
Apache/2.0.52 (Red Hat) Server at metarisk2 Port 80

Here is my config:

eZ Publish
Version: 3.6.1 (3.6.1)
RĂ©vision SVN: 12063
Extentions: fckeditor , str_replace

Version: 4.3.9
Extentions: yp, xml, wddx, tokenizer, sysvshm, sysvsem, standard, sockets, shmop, session, pspell, posix, pcre, overload, mime_magic, iconv, gmp, gettext, ftp, exif, dio, dbx, dba, curl, ctype, calendar, bz2, bcmath, zlib, openssl, apache2handler, imap, ldap, mysql, pgsql

Webserver (software)
Nom: Apache
Version: Apache/2.0.52 (Red Hat)
Modules: core, prefork, http_core, mod_so, mod_access, mod_auth, mod_auth_anon, mod_auth_dbm, mod_auth_digest, util_ldap, mod_auth_ldap, mod_include, mod_log_config, mod_env, mod_mime_magic, mod_cern_meta, mod_expires, mod_deflate, mod_headers, mod_usertrack, mod_setenvif, mod_mime, mod_dav, mod_status, mod_autoindex, mod_asis, mod_info, mod_dav_fs, mod_vhost_alias, mod_negotiation, mod_dir, mod_imap, mod_actions, mod_speling, mod_userdir, mod_alias, mod_rewrite, mod_proxy, proxy_ftp, proxy_http, proxy_connect, mod_cache, mod_suexec, mod_disk_cache, mod_file_cache, mod_mem_cache, mod_cgi, mod_jk, mod_authz_ldap, mod_perl, sapi_apache2, mod_python, mod_ssl

Data Base
Character set: iso-8859-1 (Internal)

it tries the url:

instead of : http://metarisk2/metarisk2/index.php/site_unite_metarisk_admin/content/browse

Any idea where this error may come from?

Please help.....