Forums / Setup & design / 3.8 multilanguage search - complete nonsense

3.8 multilanguage search - complete nonsense

Author Message

Heiner Wurbs

Tuesday 24 October 2006 7:29:51 am

Hi ! I have a site with 2 languages, accessing them with different siteaccesses, one for ger-DE and one for eng-GB.

The search finds results, no matter to which siteaccess they belong to. Does sb else has this problems too and could it be solved ?

I asked for that time before, but nobody had an answer:


Kristof Coomans

Tuesday 24 October 2006 7:40:54 am

Hi Heiner

Sorry for not responding to your previous post, it must have slipped through my fingers.

I'm afraid that the functionality you describe is currently not implemented in the default search engine. Let's hope it can be part of eZ 3.10.

Maybe we'll implement it in the Lucene search plugin, but I don't know when...

independent eZ Publish developer and service provider | |

Paul Borgermans

Tuesday 24 October 2006 2:05:52 pm


Yes, this will be implemented in the Lucene search plugin: every language version of an object will be indexed seperately. Template and/or ini settings will control the behaviour: search all languages or only the "default" language of the current siteaccess. target release will be ezp 3.9, maybe backported to 3.7/3.8 ... language handling is somewhat different in these versions ..

Expected implementation date: end of november


eZ Publish, eZ Find, Solr expert consulting and training

Heiner Wurbs

Thursday 26 October 2006 1:16:41 am

Thanks for your answers ! That made it clear. So, as I see, there are two possibilities:

1) Removing information about number of hits and the paging at the bottom
2) Set up a database for the 2cnd language: but that's not a multilanguage website anymore

We are wondering, how other solve that problem, especially enterprise websites, where this bevaviour returns into strange results.

By the way, woudn't it be easy to add this functionality in the 3.8. ? As I see, it could be enough, if the table ezsearch_word or better the ezsearch_object_word_link would have a coloumn "locale".