Wednesday 04 June 2003 1:40:14 am
Hi, I have upgraded from 3.0-2 to 3.1-b1 and now my override-templates will not load. Only full.tpl is being used.
I have the files (At first forum-post I forgotten "node/view" - now corrected here!):
/ezroot/design/hit/override/templates/node/view/full_class_1.tpl (folder) and /ezroot/design/hit/override/templates/node/view/full_class_2.tpl (article) Should this work as before? I understand that in 3.1 you can make your own names on your override templates by specifying it in an override.ini.append
I have also tried this:
Subdir=templates Match[class]=1
Subdir=templates Match[class]=2 ------------ Then I moved the full_class_1.tpl go .../design/hit/override/templates/folder.tpl, and full_class_2.tpl to article.tpl in the same folder as folder.tpl.
Uh! Not working either... (in the admin-sitedesign this works fine, and I have checked all ini-files, folder-names etc. for miss-spellings etc.) Please help any1 ! JonnyB