Forums / Install & configuration / You are here by mistake ....

You are here by mistake ....

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Ed Everett

Friday 18 February 2005 11:22:32 am


This is my first time installing a 'serious' CMS. I really want (need) to use ezp on my next project. But I'm having problems installing it.

Unfortunatly I am on a shared host for now, but the installation goes fine except that the system check gives the warning:

<i>1. AcceptPathInfo disabled or running in CGI mode

You need enable AcceptPathInfo in your Apache config file, if you're using apache 2.x eZ publish will not run in CGI mode, if you're running apache 1.3.


I'm not sure what this means, but it has an ignore option and i can't restart the server...

So after choosing the 'ignore' option the installation goes fine and completes. However on the last screen of the wizard the links to the site goes to a warning:

<i>You are here by mistake - you do not have permission to access this resource or the file does not exist!</i>

The homepage 'exp/index.php' produces a correct looking homepage with the options i choose, but all the links go to the above message.

I am new to this so please forgive me if I am missing something basic. Any advice would be a great help.

The server is running Appache 1.3, php 4.3.10, and MySql.

Thanks in advance
