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YA Installation Mess

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James Ashley

Monday 08 August 2005 4:47:14 pm

I am trying to install ezPublish. Like so many others, I'm not having any luck.

My web host won't let me directly chown to the "web" user. I'm trying to contact them to see what can be done.

According to a lot of posts on my host's forums, there is one other software package that has a similar issue (wanting to disable safe mode because of ownership priviliges). It's easily solvable there by chgrp to "web" and giving rwx priviliges to that group.

I've done this, and ezPublish did create a few files (the settings/override/*.php files spring to mind). So it can definitely write files. I don't know whether it can also use those files, since I still own index.php (which it can also access).

I'm guessing that's my problem.

Basically, no matter what I try, my site refuses to do anything except the ordinary admin interface. (Whatever kind of siteaccess I try, it takes me to the admin login screen).

Is this an example of ownership problems caused by safe_mode? Am I barking up the wrong tree completely? Can I fix this by turning safe_mode_gid On?


James Ashley

Monday 08 August 2005 5:32:11 pm

Just a quick update. I have a sneaky suspicion this might not be the real problem. I have the same issue when accessing the "standard" siteaccess, which is owned by me.

James Ashley

Monday 08 August 2005 6:48:37 pm

I thought I'd add another little detail about the current version of the installation.

The only page on the site I seem able to access (once I log in as the web master) is the "My account." Everything else gives me either an Error #3 or #20 (mostly #3).

I figured this out when I finally managed to track down a hint in a comment on one of the pages about making sure to authorize Anonymous users to view parts of your site.

James Ashley

Tuesday 09 August 2005 5:13:24 pm

Here's another detail:

I tried wiping out everything and re-installing (yet again).

I noticed this time around that the database details aren't getting written in the .ini files (it leaves the basic settings in site.ini from extracting the tarball. It doesn't override them in site.ini.append.php). Well, I noticed that during the last install, but I glossed over it.

I also noticed that it added a couple of directories in settings/siteaccess (plain and plain_admin). Those also didn't get mentioned in any .ini file. It did create a design/plain directory, but no design/plain_admin.

I have turned on safe_mode_gid, so that should be all right.

And I still have precisely the same problem I had last install. Most of my pages are missing. I know I've seen this problem here before, I just can't track it down again (the last time I ran across it I had other issues).

I know that, at some point in the install, ez did have access to my database, since it created the monster. I also know that it can create files/directories, because it did.

So I'm back to: does anyone have any ideas?

Thanks again,