Forums / Install & configuration / Wrong character set detected while installing DB

Wrong character set detected while installing DB

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mix mac

Saturday 24 April 2010 3:53:07 am


This is my first ezP installation. I've borrowed the 4.3.0 package.

Everything runs smoothly through the install wizard until the Step 9 (DB details).

As said in the doc: “It is required that the database uses UTF-8 as character set.”


Which is the case, as shown in the screenshot.

But the Wizard still argues that the DB has been created using a [iso-8859-1] character set.

Any idea to help me solve this pb?



mix mac

Saturday 24 April 2010 4:27:01 am

I've found the problem. The DB was created with a utf8 caracter set. But the collation was set to latin1_swedish_ci. I've updated this to utf8-unicode_ci through phpMyAdmin.

Sorry for the noise!


Nicolas Pastorino

Saturday 24 April 2010 9:17:11 am

Hi !

Good to read you found your problem. You may now want to mark the forum thread as solved (small ticker at the leff of the topic's title above).

Ow, and welcome aboard the eZ Community !


Nicolas Pastorino
Director Community - eZ
Member of the Community Project Board

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