Forums / Install & configuration / Workflows don't work!

Workflows don't work!

Author Message

Conor Murray

Monday 26 April 2004 9:02:14 am

I've been having a lot of trouble with workflows with sites running version 3.2, so I thought I'd set up a test site running 3.3 to see how I got on. I've installed the standard news demo site. Here is my system info:

OS: FreeBSD 4.6.2

3.3-4 (3.3 release 4)

SVN revision



xml, tokenizer, standard, session, posix, pcre, overload, mysql, ctype, apache

Safe mode is off.
Basedir restriction is off.
Global variable registration is off.
File uploading is enabled.
Maximum size of post data (text and files) is 8M.
Script memory limit is .
Maximum execution time is 300 seconds.

PHP Accelerator
There is no known PHP accelerator active.


I find that workflows (approve before publish) will ONLY work if I set "users without approval" to All. If I set "users without approval" to any groups other than All then the trigger (content publish before "Approval of new content")/workflow have no effect and articles are published directly. This is similar to the problems I encountered with 3.2.

The site is fairly much the vanilla News demo site. If I set "users without approval" to All then the workflow/trigger works as expected, so it would appear that the problem has something to do with the filtering of user types. I encountered exactly the same problem with 3.2.

Has anyone any ideas as to what could be wrong? I can post more info here if required.

Thanks, Conor Murray.

Language is a virus - William S Burroughs

Willie Seabrook

Friday 07 May 2004 9:41:50 pm

The workflow system is baloney. Do some searching on the forums and you'll find a whole bunch of stuff. Its on everyones wishlist for a major workover.