Forums / Install & configuration / Workflow not sending e-mails

Workflow not sending e-mails

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Andy Caiger

Wednesday 19 May 2010 1:01:22 am

I've set up a standard Event/Approve workflow on eZ Publish 4.2 which seems to work fine accept that it doesn't send out the e-mail notification. I've even set the following in settings/override/site.ini.append.php


but it doesn't create any mail messages in var/log/mail either!

The approver sees the new item appears in My Account / Collaboration and can approve it (the object is then published) but the email doesn't get sent.

Any ideas how to go about debugging this?

EAB - Integrated Internet Success
Offices in England, France & China.

Robin Muilwijk

Wednesday 19 May 2010 1:41:17 am

Hi Andy,

If no e-mail is created, also not in the var/log/mail, did you check on the cronjobs if they are configured and working properly? If I'm correct, there is one cronjob that handles the workflow events.

Regards Robin

Board member, eZ Publish Community Project Board - Member of the team - Key values: Openness and Innovation.

LinkedIn: // Twitter: // Skype: robin.muilwijk

Andy Caiger

Wednesday 19 May 2010 3:16:52 am

Well, I think the cronjob is working. It is:

 php runcronjobs.php frequent > cron.log 2>&1

and in cron.log I see:

Running cronjob part 'frequent'
Running cronjobs/notification.php
Starting notification event processing

Running cronjobs/workflow.php
Checking for workflow processes
Status list
Workflow done(2): 1

1 out of 1 processes was finished

I forgot to say the normal notification emails are sent out correctly (when a page is edited in a user's notification sub-tree. Also, the approver sees the new item appears in My Account / Collaboration and can approve it (the object is then published) which I think is also done by cronjobs/workflow.php. Am I right?

Where is the code that sends the e-mail?

EAB - Integrated Internet Success
Offices in England, France & China.

Robin Muilwijk

Sunday 30 May 2010 10:56:29 am

Hi Andy,

Sorry for the late reply, I've tried tracing the poblem but had no success myself. I'll ask for some help to look at this.

Regards Robin

Board member, eZ Publish Community Project Board - Member of the team - Key values: Openness and Innovation.

LinkedIn: // Twitter: // Skype: robin.muilwijk

Andy Caiger

Sunday 30 May 2010 9:46:03 pm

Sorry, it was a stupid mistake on my part! There was no problem. The system was working fine but I hadn't set the user account to receive collaboration notifications! I didn't know that you had to do that! Is it documented somewhere?

Anyway, the procedure is: go to the admin interface and log in as the collaboration user approving new edits. Go to My Account -> My notification settings. Under Collaboration notification, make sure that the Approval checkbox is ticked.

Problem solved!

EAB - Integrated Internet Success
Offices in England, France & China.

Nicolas Pastorino

Monday 31 May 2010 12:05:50 am

Hi Andy,

Good to see this solved :)

You may want to mark the issue as solved (small ticker next to the topic's title above).

Cheers !

Nicolas Pastorino
Director Community - eZ
Member of the Community Project Board

eZ Publish Community on twitter:

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Nicolas OTTAVI

Monday 19 July 2010 3:53:33 am


I am having the same kind of problems with ezapprove notification emails not send. As you I have checked the right checkbox in the notification settings for the concerned users, I have all emails getting out except those one. I tried to add the Transport=file in MailSettings, as it was the only difference I could see between your case and mine, but still do not receive emails ...

I am using ezpublish 4.3, and debuguing this part seems to be a little bit tricky as it implies lot of "classes", filters, handler etc ...

If you have any more tips to give it would be helpful.


Nico O

Andy Caiger

Monday 06 September 2010 8:36:59 pm

Sorry, the system was working fine but I hadn't set the user account to receive collaboration notifications! So there was no problem for me. Hope you can resolve your own problem.

EAB - Integrated Internet Success
Offices in England, France & China.

Andy Caiger

Wednesday 01 December 2010 11:20:11 pm

I spoke too soon! After doing the above (go to My Account -> My notification settings, under Collaboration notification, make sure that the Approval checkbox is ticked) the user started to receive collaboration notifications. But then we upgraded eZ Publish from 4.2 to 4.3 and the collaboration emails are no longer sent! Ordinary notification emails still work. What is going on?

EAB - Integrated Internet Success
Offices in England, France & China.

Andy Caiger

Thursday 02 December 2010 2:36:44 am

Ah! Problem solved by searching more deeply! This is due to a bug introduced into eZ Publish versions 4.3 and 4.4.

The solution at worked for me.

EAB - Integrated Internet Success
Offices in England, France & China.