Monday 30 June 2003 1:30:46 am
Hi Ron, I can assure you that eZ 3 IS stable and is a product that is worth the time getting to know. I agree that the documentation is not the best at the moment, but that has been highlighted in the community and is handled with community contributed documentation and also with eZ, this can only improve. As for forums answers, this has improved. But sometimes the community cannot get to all the questions, and until notification comes in... (released in 3.1) some can get lost. But please remember this is an Opensource software and not paid for. You can always if you need to pay for support, which is very good. As for the spending a few minutes, alas, a few minutes is not enough time to learn this product yet. But eZ are developing tools that will hopefully mean it will reach the ease of use of v2, then you will be up and running quickly. But if you really need to remove eZ 3 can i recommend you try eZ 2.2.8 and then you can run rm -rf /ezpublish-3.1-1 >>try-in-a-while.log :). I hope this helps Tony
Tony Wood :
Vision with Technology
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