Sunday 04 March 2007 1:26:51 pm
Hi all, I am having some troubles configuring webdav on a production server. It worked well in a testing environment, and I am having the same configuration of ezpublish, so it may be a server problem. in override/webdav.ini.append.php
In my httpd.conf (in ezpublish virtual server section)
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule . /webdav.php
No matter which url I use in konqueror (valid or not), I get the following error:
An error occurred while loading webdav:// The file or folder webdav:// does not exist. If I type webdav://, I am asked for a username and password, but I get the same error message once logged.
In cadaver, I get this error:
Could not access /fsr02/ (not WebDAV-enabled?): 207 Multi-Status I did some debugging and found out that in file ezwebdavserver.php, function outputSendDataToClient, $output variable isn't correctly initialized ($output['data'] === false). I guess this is linked to the issue.
I found this: Which may be related, but I'm really not sure. Does someone have hints to help me ? Thanks