Forums / Install & configuration / WebDAV and MS Office Temp Files

WebDAV and MS Office Temp Files

Author Message

Aaron River

Tuesday 21 February 2006 12:57:11 pm

We're using eZp 3.7.2, apache 2.0.52, and php 4.3.9.

On the clients, we're using WebDrive to access the WebDAV resources provided by eZp.

The problem is that when editing a MS Office document from the dav folder via WebDrive,
office's temp files get published to our site.

In WebDrive, I've set the client to "Cache temporary MS Office files" and "Disable DFS".
This has mostly fixed the problems, in that many of the odd offic temp files are never
sent to the webdave server. But, one temp file is still getting through. It always has the
suffix "tmp", and begins with "~WRL".

This is really the only thing, so far, that I've noticed that will keep us from being able to
use the webdav functionality of eZp on a production level.

Can I setup eZp webdav to refuse files based on extension, etc? Is there any better
explanation of how to setup webdav out there? I'v looked at all the usual webdav setup
pages online.

Aaron River

Tuesday 21 February 2006 1:16:02 pm

Test .. (sorry...n00b)

Siniša Šehović

Wednesday 22 February 2006 2:16:41 pm

Hi Aaron,

I belive you could use RewriteRule in your apache httpd.conf to disable "~WRL".

Take a look on this :



If at first you don't succeed, look in the trash for the instructions.

Aaron River

Tuesday 28 February 2006 11:06:57 am

Haven't had to try this yet. I updated our WebDrive version to their latest release, and it looks like they cache those files locally now too.

It is an interesting question of whether a redirect would make Office happy. Would it be okay with the file not getting created? Perhaps if it was not, the tmp files could be created in a designated temporary directory on the dav server, such as "Media/Tmp" (using the rewriting approach). This way, Office would get its tmp files, but they wouldn't get published either.
