Forums / Install & configuration / WebDAV and images

WebDAV and images

Author Message

Silke Fox

Monday 04 October 2004 7:03:40 am

Hi all,

got WebDAV working so far on eZ 3.4.2 (Debian, Apache 1.3.31) with WebDrive (Win XP).
Creating files and folders works fine, but there are some problems with images.
Uploading .gif, .jpg or .png results in "405 Method Not Allowed".
Uploading .tiff or .bmp seems to work, content object is created and the image is stored in var/storage/images directory.
But these uploaded images cannot be viewed (admin or frontend), image conversion fails.

Failed converting var/storage/images/rubriken/prozessbeschreibungen/test_bmp/665-1-ger-DE/testbmp.bmp to alias original in directory var/storage/images/rubriken/prozessbeschreibungen/test_bmp/665-1-ger-DE
Failed creating the referenced alias reference, cannot create alias large

Image conversion works okay for other images.

Any thoughts on this?


Monday 04 October 2004 3:03:09 pm

As far as I know DAV only works with apache2, because it does not know certain methods (PROPFIND, and others).

But still you can supply a proxy to a apache2 DAV enabled service with a apache1

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Silke Fox

Tuesday 05 October 2004 6:30:04 am

Thank you, Björn, I will test it with Apache 2. I knew I must have missed something here... ;)

Paul Borgermans

Tuesday 05 October 2004 6:58:53 am

Uh, Björn,

Are you sure?

I thought the DAV requests are handled by ez publish, not by apache. So I think there is another problem.


eZ Publish, eZ Find, Solr expert consulting and training


Tuesday 05 October 2004 7:48:00 am

Well I am not 100% sure...

it was a long time ago when i set it up the last time and I remember somebody saying it only work with apache2 because only apache2 has the mod_dav.

I only remember I had troubles when setting it up. It was like mentioned in this thread.

Maybe there is some else that can confirm that it run under apache1.
Please post your vhost too.

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Paul Borgermans

Tuesday 05 October 2004 8:19:24 am

Hi Björn

I'm sure I had it working on apache 1.3.x with a former ez publish install. But I did not use it in production because of the lack of permission support. BTW, it does not depend on mod_dav, see lines 214 and further in lib/ezwebdav/classes/ezwebdavserver.php. mod_dav in apache 2 is used to have access to the filesystem or special handlers (like subversion does)

Also apache 1.3.x nicely allows the webdav methods and passes them on in the $_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] variable.

I hope this clarifies something.

And I have the feeling that the errors stated above are the result of wrong rewrite rules and a broken gd/imagemagick installation (there shouldn't be any exceptions on the rewrite rule for the webdav index script), as it appears to be a problem with <i>some</i> image files.

Silke, does a normal upload (admin interface) of images work? Can you check the rewriterules for webdav.php?

Best regards


eZ Publish, eZ Find, Solr expert consulting and training


Tuesday 05 October 2004 12:57:10 pm


I just tested again the dav server under apache1 ... and it works :-)... you were absolutly right.

Back to the problem above I agree to pauls idea about the image system that might not be properly setup.

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Paul Borgermans

Tuesday 05 October 2004 1:36:31 pm


EDIT: see message below, it is only problematic in the media folder, not the regular content folder
I was also experimenting with webdav on alpha1, can upload anything except images ...

I see an error with path to node id translation going wrong in webdav.log

Can you upload images before I file a bug report on this?

eZ Publish, eZ Find, Solr expert consulting and training

Silke Fox

Wednesday 06 October 2004 12:08:16 am

Hi Paul,

you're right, one problem are the rewrite rules... didn't add tif and bmp to it before testing those... *oops*...

Image conversion is working for images which were uploaded via admin interface.

Does anyone of you remember if WebDAV was working with images sometime?

I'll test it on 3.5alpha as well...


Silke Fox

Wednesday 06 October 2004 12:34:27 am

Yes, same for me on 3.5 alpha. Uploading files and folders is okay, for images it's
"405 Method Not Allowed".

I'm going to file a bug report on this.

Thank you, guys!

Silke Fox

Wednesday 06 October 2004 12:42:40 am


another one, what did you mean with
<i>"I see an error with path to node id translation going wrong in webdav.log"</i>?

I don't see any log messages when uploading images, only the pop-up with the 405 error.
Strange... there's only one log level for WebDAV, isn't it?


Paul Borgermans

Wednesday 06 October 2004 4:28:20 am

Well, I should have been a bit more specific: it never works in the media folder, but all is OK with the content folder on 3.5-alpha.

The error message is part of the webdav.log in the logfiles for the 'user' site access. You can enable this logging in webdav.ini

In my rewrite rule for the webdav.php index script I removed all exceptions for image files (and teh other too actually: everything has to go through webdav.php). My server has GD1 GD2 and imagemagick which are all enabled in image.ini


eZ Publish, eZ Find, Solr expert consulting and training

Silke Fox

Wednesday 06 October 2004 5:13:31 am

Thank you, Paul!
It is working for me now (within the content folder, but not within the media folder).
Yes, the problem was that those images still were excluded from the rewrite rule... :/