Monday 03 March 2008 2:29:50 am
Good day, I am trying to install the eZ publish 4.0.0, but i am stuck in the site details page, i keep getting this warning message: "The database [db237249126] cannot be used, the setup wizard wants to create the site in [utf-8] but the database has been created using character set [iso-8859-1]. You will have to choose a database having support for [utf-8] or modify [db237249126]" . I have check out my database character set it is not [iso-8859-1], but rather it is [utf-8], this is my MySQL charset: UTF-8 Unicode (utf8), cos i am using MySQL 5.0 I dont know what to do i have read other issues like this on the forum, and done all that is been stated but still i am stuck.. is there something i am doing wrong.