Forums / Install & configuration / viewcache.ini settings
risto CMS user
Thursday 30 March 2006 12:09:44 am
Hi I need to set som viewcache.ini configurations. But I realy don know how.
My situation is as folows.
I have a multisite ez instalation and the firstpage of the sites fetches contetnt from spesific nodes "firstpage" in all sites. When I add content that I wont on the firstpage i add the location "firstpage" to the item. Its ez 3.6.6
How can I have the cache of the firstpage updatad automaticalu when this is done?
the top node of one of the fites is Object -ID 2473 so is this a start?
[forum] DependentClassIdentifier[] DependentClassIdentifier[]=Artikle ClearCacheMethod=clear_object_and_relating_objects_caches ObjectFilter[] ObjectFilter[]=2473
Any ideas, sugestions?
Bertrand Dunogier
Friday 31 March 2006 2:09:18 am
If I understand correctly, you have nodes named firstpage at some places in your hierarchy, and when items are placed in here, you want them shown on the frontpage right ?
What I would suggest is that you make these firstpage nodes related items to the front page. That way, ViewCaching will clear the cache for the front page when a new item is published in one of those related nodes.
Relations are usually the way to go when dealing with ViewCaching.
Bertrand Dunogier eZ Systems Engineering, Lyon