Forums / Install & configuration / v3.4 Calendar does not work (stays in October 6, 2002)

v3.4 Calendar does not work (stays in October 6, 2002)

Author Message

Wing Thing

Monday 07 June 2004 1:28:19 pm

The Calendar does not work, I downloaded v3.4 today, but the Calendar does not work. It always stays on October 200. In Poll view, it shows April 2004, and in contacts view, it shows June 2004, but clicking previous or next month brings up October 2002.

Also, there is no option to add new events to the calendar. Does anyone know how to use the built-in calendar in version 3.4?

This problem has been documented here: --- it says the bug has been fixed, but it apparently still exists.

Does anyone know which files I should update to fix this bug, and make the Calendar usable?
