Forums / Install & configuration / URL translation and language switcher redirecting to untranslated URLs

URL translation and language switcher redirecting to untranslated URLs

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Mathias G

Wednesday 17 August 2011 6:04:18 am


I'm currently setting up a site on Community Project 2011.7 and need some help regarding translated URLs. The site is multilingual, has 4 siteaccesses (de, en, it, admin) and is using host based mapping for siteaccess detection (,,, ...). This is working fine so far, however I have a little problem with language switching and content being delivered on translated and untranslated URLs which leads to duplicate content. An example:

I am on (de) and want to switch to the english site and click on the languageswitcher for the en siteaccess. The link is

When I access the english career page without the language switcher, the URL is However, the language switcher redirects me to This basically works (user gets to the right site), but is quite ugly in terms of consistency and SEO (same content reachable through multiple URLs).

Is there a setting/extension/other possibility to:

  • either set up the language switcher to redirect to the correct translated URL
  • or (even better) let nodes check if their URL is the translated one and otherwise send a 301 redirect to the translated one


Roman Hutterer

Monday 22 August 2011 5:31:56 am

there exists an operator to avoid this ...

hope that helps